Tuesday, April 1, 2008

March 2008 AMS Referendum results

Don't forget the below posts. It's a busy week!

Well, unoficial results are in, and all the questions have been approved with a majority 'yes' vote. Here are the numbers:

Overall turnout: 44%
Total votes: 18,446

U-Pass renewal NO: 500 YES: 17,945 ; 97.2% in favour
Bylaw reforms NO: 1284 YES: 4357 ; 77.3% in favour
WUSC (student refugee subsidy) NO: 2162 YES: 8363 ; 79.4% in favour
SUB renewal fee NO: 6228 YES: 7342; 54% in favour

Good overall turnout - the quorum of 10% of daytime students was met in every question easily. SUB renewal fee passed by a very thin margin. I suspect the AMS will have to do a helluva good consultation to create the level of buy-in that's really needed. 54% isn't great - particularly considering that all the students that voted will be paying $40/year max towards the building (not much compared to the cost to future cycles of students). More discussion of SUB renew to come.