Towards the Old Admin Building, aka the road to power
Stephen just sent this notice out to all students and presumably faculty/staff:
Dear Colleagues:
I am pleased to report that the search for a new Provost and
Vice-President (Academic) is progressing well. After a final round of
consultations with representatives of faculty, staff and students, the
Search Committee should soon be in a position to recommend a candidate
for me to take to the Board of Governors. Best wishes as the semester
draws to a busy end.
Stephen Toope
President and Vice-Chancellor
University of British Columbia
So it sounds like the Search Committee has picked a shortlist of their liking. Whose name do you think will be brought forth to board? Take your guesses!
Personally, I'm kind of hoping it'll be George Mackie (current VP Academic and Provost, pro tem). He has been incredibly well received by the AMS, senate, and board alike, and has administrative experience as the past Biochem Department Head and having worked as former VP Academic's Financial Officer. He is currently spearheading SCAPP (the Steering committee on Academic Planning Process), and otherwise highly efficient in the duties he has been brought into. But another part of me is really hoping for someone from a diverse background to offset the white male thing that's dominating the administrative prowess of this University.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
The VP Guessing Game
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9:17 PM
Categories: Academic Life